26 research outputs found

    Importance-Performance (IPMA) Analysis of Loyalty in Indonesia Cellular Operator During COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Abstract. During the pandemic of Covid-19, customer loyalty becomes the crucial thing that needs to be concerned by cellular operators due to the internet usage is growing rapidly in the activities of work from home and study from home. In dealing with this, the company can find out from the user response regarding to their experience, satisfaction, switching barriers, and corporate image. User experience consists of functionality, social, monetary, trustworthiness, and perceived service quality. This research was conducted to 385 respondents of Indonesian cellular operators that was spread by internet survey. expert opinion was conducted before distributing questionnaires as many as 75 items with quota sampling technique. Based on Importance and Performance Matrix Analysis (IPMA) results, it was found that companies must concentrate first on trustworthiness, satisfaction, and corporate image. Then pay attention to monetary, switching barriers, and social. Variables that were considered low priority are functionality and perceived service quality, this is because the company's performance was very high compared to the level of importance of the user.Keywords: Corporate image, COVID-19, IPMA, loyalty, user experienceAbstrak. Saat pandemi Covid-19, loyalitas pelanggan menjadi hal krusial yang perlu diperhatikan oleh operator seluler karena penggunaan internet berkembang pesat dalam aktivitas bekerja dari rumah dan belajar dari rumah. Dalam menghadapi hal ini, perusahaan dapat mengetahui dari tanggapan pengguna mengenai pengalaman, kepuasan, peralihan hambatan, dan citra perusahaan mereka. Pengalaman pengguna terdiri dari fungsionalitas, sosial, moneter, kepercayaan, dan kualitas layanan yang dirasakan. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 385 responden operator seluler Indonesia yang disebarkan melalui survei internet. Pendapat ahli dilakukan sebelum menyebarkan kuesioner sebanyak 75 item dengan teknik quota sampling. Berdasarkan hasil Importance and Performance Matrix Analysis (IPMA), ditemukan bahwa perusahaan harus berkonsentrasi terlebih dahulu pada kepercayaan, kepuasan, dan citra perusahaan. Kemudian perhatikan moneter, peralihan hambatan, dan sosial. Variabel yang dianggap prioritas rendah adalah fungsionalitas dan persepsi kualitas layanan, hal ini dikarenakan kinerja perusahaan sangat tinggi dibandingkan dengan tingkat kepentingan pengguna.Kata Kunci: Citra perusahaan, COVID-19, loyalitas, pengalaman penggun

    Service quality role on customer’s loyalty of Indonesia internet service provider during Covid-19

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    The present study developed a conceptual research framework for potential predictors of loyalty to intention and loyalty to the action ofinternet service providers. This study examined whether customer loyalty of Indonesia service provider was related to service quality dimensions (namely network quality, customer service, information quality, security, and privacy) by providing empirical evidence of the relationship among there variables. Customer loyaltywas reflected by the indicators of loyalty to intention, loyalty to action, and willingness to recommend to others. This is to fill the research gap generated by the fact that many previous studies have only studied up to the intention phase and/or have jumped to the action phase without looking at the intention phase.  A quantitative approach through a questionnaire survey was conducted in primary data collection.Out of 400 internet service provider customers surveyed in this study that collected through internet online survey. The findings and results show: Firstly, network quality directly influences attitudinal loyalty. Secondly, customer service directly influences attitudinal loyalty. Thirdly, information quality directly influences attitudinal loyalty. Fourthly, securityand privacynot only directly influence attitudinal loyalty but also influence behavioral loyalty. Finally, attitudinal loyalty directly influences behavioral loyalty. The contribution to academicians interested in the same research topic was the conceptual model. It contributed to the understanding of the cognition-to action loyalty phase framework, also known as the four-stage loyalty phase framework

    Customer's Loyalty of Indonesia Cellular Operators in The Pandemic of COVID-19

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    Abstract. The cellular operators business in Indonesia has significantly increased during pandemic of COVID-19 since the issuance of the government regulation regarding work from home and study from home. The increasing number of subscribers is getting higher along with the increasing high churn rate. The intention of the study was to determine the potential predictors of customer's loyalty to cellular operators. The findings show, First, user experience directly influences loyalty. Second, corporate image is revealed to strengthen the effect of user experience on switching barriers and subsequent impact on loyalty, which indicates that a good corporate image can increase customer loyalty. Third, satisfaction and switching barriers mediate the relationship between user experience and loyalty. This implies that if users perceive a good experience with their operators, they will satisfied and loyal to the current operator. In line with this situation, if there are too many barriers to switch to other operators and they believe getting value for money, they will remain loyal. The conceptual research framework proposed can be differentiated between users who perceived corporate image is high and those who perceived corporate image is low; they can be differentiated between pre-paid and post-paid cellular users. The contribution of this study lies in the fact that the path between the five dimensions of user experience to loyalty of cellular operator, the combination with the mediator of satisfaction and switching barrier to loyalty, the moderating role of corporate image which affects the direction and strengthen the relationship between user experience and switching barriers.Keywords: Cellular operators, corporate image, COVID-19, loyalty, user experienceAbstract. Bisnis operator seluler di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan selama pandemi COVID-19 sejak dikeluarkannya peraturan pemerintah tentang bekerja dari rumah dan belajar dari rumah. Jumlah pelanggan yang semakin meningkat seiring dengan churn rate yang semakin tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan prediktor potensial dari loyalitas pelanggan kepada operator seluler. Temuan menunjukkan, Pertama, pengalaman pengguna secara langsung memengaruhi loyalitas. Kedua, pengungkapan citra perusahaan untuk memperkuat pengaruh pengalaman pengguna terhadap peralihan hambatan dan dampak selanjutnya terhadap loyalitas, yang menunjukkan bahwa citra perusahaan yang baik dapat meningkatkan loyalitas pelanggan. Ketiga, kepuasan dan peralihan hambatan memediasi hubungan antara pengalaman pengguna dan loyalitas. Ini menyiratkan bahwa jika pengguna merasakan pengalaman yang baik dengan operator mereka, mereka akan puas dan setia kepada operator saat ini. Sejalan dengan situasi ini, jika ada terlalu banyak hambatan untuk beralih ke operator lain dan mereka yakin mendapatkan nilai uang, mereka akan tetap setia. Kerangka penelitian konseptual yang diusulkan dapat dibedakan antara pengguna yang mempersepsikan citra perusahaan tinggi dan yang mempersepsikan citra perusahaan rendah; mereka dapat dibedakan antara pengguna seluler prabayar dan pascabayar. Kontribusi penelitian ini terletak pada kenyataan bahwa jalur antara lima dimensi pengalaman pengguna ke loyalitas operator seluler, kombinasi dengan mediator kepuasan dan pengalihan penghalang ke loyalitas, peran moderasi citra perusahaan yang mempengaruhi arah dan memperkuat hubungan antara pengalaman pengguna dan peralihan hambatan.Kata kunci: Citra perusahaan, COVID-19, loyalitas, operator seluler, pengalaman penggun

    Customer's Loyalty of Indonesia Cellular Operators in The Pandemic of COVID-19

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    Abstract. The cellular operators business in Indonesia has significantly increased during pandemic of COVID-19 since the issuance of the government regulation regarding work from home and study from home. The increasing number of subscribers is getting higher along with the increasing high churn rate. The intention of the study was to determine the potential predictors of customer's loyalty to cellular operators. The findings show, First, user experience directly influences loyalty. Second, corporate image is revealed to strengthen the effect of user experience on switching barriers and subsequent impact on loyalty, which indicates that a good corporate image can increase customer loyalty. Third, satisfaction and switching barriers mediate the relationship between user experience and loyalty. This implies that if users perceive a good experience with their operators, they will satisfied and loyal to the current operator. In line with this situation, if there are too many barriers to switch to other operators and they believe getting value for money, they will remain loyal. The conceptual research framework proposed can be differentiated between users who perceived corporate image is high and those who perceived corporate image is low; they can be differentiated between pre-paid and post-paid cellular users. The contribution of this study lies in the fact that the path between the five dimensions of user experience to loyalty of cellular operator, the combination with the mediator of satisfaction and switching barrier to loyalty, the moderating role of corporate image which affects the direction and strengthen the relationship between user experience and switching barriers.Keywords: Cellular operators, corporate image, COVID-19, loyalty, user experienceAbstract. Bisnis operator seluler di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan selama pandemi COVID-19 sejak dikeluarkannya peraturan pemerintah tentang bekerja dari rumah dan belajar dari rumah. Jumlah pelanggan yang semakin meningkat seiring dengan churn rate yang semakin tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan prediktor potensial dari loyalitas pelanggan kepada operator seluler. Temuan menunjukkan, Pertama, pengalaman pengguna secara langsung memengaruhi loyalitas. Kedua, pengungkapan citra perusahaan untuk memperkuat pengaruh pengalaman pengguna terhadap peralihan hambatan dan dampak selanjutnya terhadap loyalitas, yang menunjukkan bahwa citra perusahaan yang baik dapat meningkatkan loyalitas pelanggan. Ketiga, kepuasan dan peralihan hambatan memediasi hubungan antara pengalaman pengguna dan loyalitas. Ini menyiratkan bahwa jika pengguna merasakan pengalaman yang baik dengan operator mereka, mereka akan puas dan setia kepada operator saat ini. Sejalan dengan situasi ini, jika ada terlalu banyak hambatan untuk beralih ke operator lain dan mereka yakin mendapatkan nilai uang, mereka akan tetap setia. Kerangka penelitian konseptual yang diusulkan dapat dibedakan antara pengguna yang mempersepsikan citra perusahaan tinggi dan yang mempersepsikan citra perusahaan rendah; mereka dapat dibedakan antara pengguna seluler prabayar dan pascabayar. Kontribusi penelitian ini terletak pada kenyataan bahwa jalur antara lima dimensi pengalaman pengguna ke loyalitas operator seluler, kombinasi dengan mediator kepuasan dan pengalihan penghalang ke loyalitas, peran moderasi citra perusahaan yang mempengaruhi arah dan memperkuat hubungan antara pengalaman pengguna dan peralihan hambatan.Kata kunci: Citra perusahaan, COVID-19, loyalitas, operator seluler, pengalaman penggun

    Pengaruh pemasaran jejaring media sosial Instagram Digital Amoeba dan keterkaitan konsumen terhadap niat beli konsumen

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    Social media network marketing in a company attracts consumers to relate to each other so that it will provide an increase in consumer purchase intentions. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of social media network marketing on Instagram Digital Amoeba and the relationship between consumers and consumers' purchase intentions. This study uses a quantitative research methodology with a causal associative research approach with data analysis techniques using Structural Equation Model (SEM) and analysis tools using AMOS 24.0. The population in this study were all Instagram Digital Amoeba followers. The sample size in this study was 314 respondents with the characteristics of already following Instagram @digitalamoeba; aged 18-54 years; work as students, employees, and entrepreneurs; and Indonesian Citizens. The results of the study indicate that social media network marketing has a significant effect on consumer purchase intentions with consumer linkage acting as an intervening variable in influencing social media users to have consumer purchase intentions

    Customer’s Loyalty Of Indonesia Cellular Operators: Roles Of User Experience, Satisfaction, Switching Barriers, And Corporate Image

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    The telecommunications industry in Indonesia has grown rapidly since the issuance of the government regulation regarding the change of competition became an oligopoly. The increasing number of subscribers is getting stagnant along with the increasing high churn rate, decreasing customer growth and low average revenue per user that indicates a decline in loyalty. The present study developed a conceptual research framework for potential predictors of loyalty to cellular operators. The research framework was developed in light of an extensive literature review and expert opinions from academicians and practitioners. Cognition-to-action loyalty phase framework supports the established framework. The present study takes into consideration the cellular operator’s five dimensions of user experience, namely functionality, social, monetary, trustworthiness, and perceived service quality as independent variables. The variable of corporate image was considered as a moderating variable, the variables of satisfaction and switching barriers were considered as mediating variables, whereas the variable of loyalty was a dependent variable. A quantitative approach through a survey questionnaire was used to collect primary data in the three parts of Indonesia. Out of 400 cellular operator users surveyed in this study were collected through internet survey

    The Influence of Social Media Marketing and Influencer Endorsement Through Brand Image and Trust, and Their Impact on the Purchase Intention of the MS Glow Brand Through the Tiktok Application

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    Purpose: The aim of this research is to determine the extent of the influence of social media marketing and influencer endorsement, mediated by trust and brand image, on purchase intention for MS Glow products on the TikTok social media platform.   Theoretical framework:  This research is based on a framework comprising various variables include social media marketing and influencers as independent variables, trust and brand image as mediating variables, and purchase intention as the dependent variable. These variables are interconnected and have both direct and indirect effects on each other within the context of investigating the Indonesian beauty brand MS Glow.   Design/methodology/approach: This study employs a quantitative research methodology by distributing questionnaires to 251 female respondents who have watched online reviews of MS Glow products through the TikTok application. The collected data were subsequently analyzed using SmartPLS and examined using the SEM-PLS technique.   Findings:  The research results indicate that social media marketing has a direct and mediated influence through brand image on purchase intention, but trust does not mediate this relationship. On the other hand, influencer endorsement does not have a direct impact, and trust does not mediate its relationship with purchase intention.   Research, Practical & Social implications:  The research findings highlight the direct and mediated effects of social media marketing and influencer endorsement on purchase intention through brand image and trust. The results emphasize the need for marketers to maximize TikTok's potential as an effective marketing tool and consider various aspects when choosing suitable influencer endorsements that align with their company's identity.   Originality/value:   This research offers unique insights by examining the intricate relationships between social media marketing, influencer endorsement, brand image, trust, and purchase intention within the context of MS Glow on TikTok. It provides practical value to marketers, helping them navigate digital marketing dynamics and optimize TikTok's potential as an effective marketing platform


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    Two Wheels Self Balancing Robot merupakan robot yang memiliki prinsip kerja seperti pendulum terbalik yang dapat mempertahankan keseimbangan robot dan tegak lurus terhadap permukaan bumi pada bidang datar. Pada balancing robot ini menggunakan pengendali Fuzzy Logic Controller. Penelitian ini menggunakan hardware MPU-6050 sebagai sensor, Arduino Uno R3 sebagai mikrokontroler, dan motor DC sebagai aktuator. Metode Fuzzy Logic Control digunakan untuk mengatur nilai pwm motor agar dapat bergerak maju dan mundur untuk menjaga keseimbangan. Motor bergerak maju dan mundur untuk mempertahankan posisi keseimbangan. Proses konversi nilai accelerometer dan gyroscope yang tidak stabil mempengaruhi kestabilan robot dalam mempertahankan keseimbangan. Performansi dari sistem balancing robot untuk pengaplikasian metode fuzzy logic dipengaruhi oleh beberapa parameter seperti, besar nilai dan bentuk dari fungsi keanggotaan masukan dan keluaran sistem, dan rule-inference yang ditanamkan pada sistem. Pengujian pada balancing robot dilakukan sebanyak empat kali percobaaan dengan kemiringan 0° sampai 15°. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem pengendalian two wheels self balancing robot berbasis fuzzy logic controller dapat menyeimbangkan dengan stabil pada kemiringan di bawah 15 derajat, di atas 15 derajat motor tidak dapat mengembalikan robot pada keadaan tegak berdiri. Kata Kunci: Two Wheels Self Balancing Robot, Fuzzy Logic Controller, Arduino Uno R3, Sensor MPU-6050, Motor DC

    Positioning Analysis of Instant Messaging Application Based On User Perception In Indonesia (Studies on BBM, Facebook Messenger, Hangouts, LINE, and WA)

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    The number of the active Internet users in Indonesia has increased immediately. The activity of instant messaging get a large part of the activities when accessing the internet. Business competition in the instant messaging applications are increasingly competitive. Through this research it will be known how the positioning of the five brands of instant messaging applications those are BBM, Facebook Messenger, Hangouts, LINE, and WA based on user perception with attribute subjective norm, curiosity about people, perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, perceived ease of use, conveying emotions, building relationships, perceived user base, perceived quality system, switching costs, and resistance to change. The collection of data with online questionnaires, obtained 402 valid questionnaires. Data processing was performed using SPSS version 20.0. Based on the results of data processing, it can be conclude that the profile of respondent

    The Effect of Experiential Marketing and Brand Image on Customer Satisfaction

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    Consumer satisfaction is important for a company. In an effort to meet customer satisfaction, many efforts can be done such as providing an unforgettable experience for consumers and creating a good brand image in the eyes of consumers. Garuda Indonesia is a company that applies the Garuda Indonesia Experience concept, which is a concept that is applied to provide a unique experience in an effort to gain customer satisfaction. This research method uses quantitative methods with purposive sampling and takes a total of 400 samples obtained through Google Form. The data analysis technique used is Structural Equation Modeling with LISREL. Based on the results of this study, the results show that experiential marketing has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, brand image has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, and experiential marketing and brand image have an effect on simultaneously customer satisfaction of Garuda Indonesia airlines